Tableau Desktop- A Complete Introduction
A Comprehensive Guide on Business Intelligence with Tableau Desktop 2019+ to Prepare, Analyze and Visualize Data
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You want to get started with data analysis? You also want an easy-to-use, fast and intuitive tool to do so? You want to learn how to easily create your own dataset based on multiple source files? You want to create impressive and insightful visuals in no time?
Then Tableau Desktop is the tool you were looking for! Take the chance and join this practical oriented course and learn all you need to easily take your first steps in your own data analysis projects!
Having worked as a business analyst in a major consultancy, I know the difficulties when learning a new technology. That's why I created this course, the Tableau course I wish I had when I did my first steps in Tableau!
NO prior Tableau or data analysis knowledge is required and while following along an interactive course project, we'll dive into Tableau Desktop's powerful features in a comprehensive course journey. Data preparation, data analysis, adding calculations, establishing relationships, dashboards and so much more - all covered in this course made for everyone but tailored for beginners!
This course goes beyond Tableau's simple drag-and-drop interface though. Tableau offers more than creating charts, so we'll dive into its core features along the entire data analysis project workflow from source file up to final dashboard!
Here's what's included in the course:
- Get to know Tableau Desktop and understand its position within the Tableau Platform
- Dive into a typical data analysis project workflow
- Understand the data source segment of Tableau Desktop and connect Tableau Desktop to various source types
- Understand the differences between data preparation and data analysis & visualization
- Dive into calculated fields - Basic calculations, level of detail expressions & table calculations, all covered in the course
- Understand the differences between groups and sets
- Learn how to create and add parameters to filters and calculations
- Create bin charts from scratch
- Use data blending to establish relationships and to connect tables from different data sources
- Build various visuals (line-chart, bar-chart, treemap, map, scatter plot and more)
- Understand how to create interactive dashboards and stories
- And so much more!
This course is for you if...
- ...never worked with Tableau Desktop before
- ...heard about Tableau but you're not sure whether Tableau fits your project requirements
- ...want to get started with data analysis with a hands-on business intelligence tool
- ...want to understand the basic concepts of a typical data analysis project workflow from data preparation over data analysis up to visualization
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction (2:10)
PreviewWhat is the Tableau Platform? (5:26)
PreviewCourse Approach & System Requirements (3:23)
PreviewJoin our Online Learning Community
PreviewFirst Project 1/3 - Installing Tableau Desktop & Connecting it to Data (6:13)
PreviewFirst Project 2/3 - Preparing & Cleaning Data (5:12)
PreviewFirst Project 3/3 - Creating our First Charts (7:24)
PreviewCourse Outline (6:35)
PreviewHow to Get the Most out of This Course (4:32)
PreviewUseful & Resources
StartThe Academind Pro Referral Program
StartModule Introduction (2:10)
StartDiving Deeper Into the Tableau Platform (3:45)
StartTableau Public vs Tableau Desktop (4:22)
StartUnderstanding the Updated Tableau Versioning (2:22)
StartAvoiding the "Save Project" Bug (3:19)
StartHow to Use the Attached Project Files (4:20)
StartRecommended Tableau Settings (2:22)
StartUseful & Resources
StartModule Introduction (1:34)
StartUnderstanding the Tableau Desktop Workflow (3:09)
StartHow to Use the Data Source Tab (12:54)
StartConnecting Tableau to Data: "Extract" vs "Live" (4:14)
StartUnderstanding Union - The Theory (3:11)
StartHow Union Works in Tableau (3:17)
StartCombining Tables in our Project with "Union" (9:50)
StartEditing Columns (5:01)
StartThe "Refresh" Bug (4:21)
StartFormatting Columns (8:14)
StartWorking with Rows (4:22)
StartUnderstanding Number Filters (8:29)
StartWorking with String Filters (8:42)
StartPivoting Data (7:42)
StartUnderstanding Aliases (7:06)
StartOPTIONAL: Calculated Fields Theory (7:54)
StartOPTIONAL: Building Block & Syntax (4:37)
StartOPTIONAL: Understanding Number Functions (12:49)
StartOPTIONAL: String Functions (10:35)
StartOPTIONAL: How Type Conversion Works (4:39)
StartOPTIONAL: Understanding Logical Functions (6:41)
StartReplacing Values with Calculated Fields (6:27)
StartSplitting Fields (4:19)
StartGrouping Members (10:04)
StartJoining Tables - Theory (6:18)
StartThe Join Feature in Practice (8:42)
StartAssignment - Join (Problem) (3:17)
StartAssignment - Join (Solution) (5:17)
StartCleaning Up our Project (1:48)
StartWrap Up (1:49)
StartUseful & Resources
Course Prerequisites
Tableau is available for Windows (Windows 7 64bit or higher) or macOS
NO prior experience with other business intelligence tools is required
NO prior data analysis knowledge is required
All pre-requisites are covered by courses in our "Academind Pro" Membership.
Don't take my word for it - here's what other students are saying.
Cristie Lende
Really enjoyed the way the course was split out and the hands-on training.
Stephan Borsodi
Clear and concise explanations, easy to follow.
Excellent for me.
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