React & TypeScript - The Practical Guide
Build type-safe React apps & use TypeScript to enhance your components, state management, Redux & side effects code.
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TypeScript is an amazing technology that helps developers write better code with less errors - simply because it let's you catch & fix type-related errors whilst writing the code (instead of when testing the application).
But using TypeScript with React can sometimes be tricky. Especially when building more complex, dynamic components, defining the right types can be challenging.
That's why I built this course!
Because this course will teach you how to use TypeScript with React - and, of course, the course will introduce you to all the core concepts & patterns you need to work with components, state, side effects & more in a type-safe way!
This course will:
- Teach you WHY using TypeScript in your React projects might be a good idea
- Introduce you to the key TypeScript concepts you'll need - when working with React & in general
- Get you started with using TypeScript with React - for components, state & more
- Explore more advanced, complex patterns & examples
- Help you with building dynamic or even polymorphic components in a type-safe way
- Teach you how to use TypeScript with React's Context API
- Explore how you can enhance code used with useReducer() with help of TypeScript
- Cover data fetching & useEffect() with TypeScript
- Use the popular Redux library in a type-safe way
- Build or improve multiple demo projects so that can apply your knowledge
By the end of the course, you'll be able to use TypeScript in your own (future) React projects and write better, more type-safe code.
Course prerequisites:
- NO prior TypeScript knowledge is required - though basic knowledge will help (but the course includes an introduction module)
- Basic React knowledge (components, JSX, state) IS required - more advanced concepts will be explained though
Course Curriculum
StartModule Introduction (1:13)
StartTypeScript Setup & Using TypeScript (3:01)
StartWorking with Types: Type Inference & Explicit Type Annotations (7:46)
StartBasic Primitive Types (1:08)
StartInvoking The TypeScript Compiler (3:13)
StartCombining Types Union Types (Alternative Types) (2:21)
StartWorking with Object Types (5:39)
StartWorking with Array Types (3:59)
StartAdding Types to Functions - Parameter & Return Value Types (5:04)
StartDefining Function Types (3:28)
StartCreating Custom Types / Type Aliases (3:57)
StartDefining Object Types with Interfaces (3:06)
StartInterfaces vs Custom Types (4:24)
StartBeing Specific With Literal Types (4:21)
StartMerging Types (3:05)
StartAdding Type Guards (3:42)
StartType Guards & Type Narrowing - A Closer Look
StartMaking Sense Of Generic Types (12:20)
StartSummary (0:35)
StartModule Introduction (1:13)
StartCreating a React + TypeScript Project (6:31)
StartUnderstanding the Role of tsconfig.json (5:04)
StartBuilding a First Component & Facing a Missing Type (5:47)
StartDefining Component Props Types (4:05)
StartStoring Props Types as a Custom Type or Interface (2:04)
StartDefining a Type for Props with "children" (7:02)
StartComponent Props & The Special "key" Prop
StartAnother Way Of Typing Components (3:18)
StartExercise: Creating a Header Component (6:11)
StartUsing useState() and TypeScript (6:39)
StartWorking with State & Outputting State-based Values (5:49)
StartAnother Exercise & Reusing Types Across Files (7:31)
StartPassing Functions as Values - In A Type-Safe Way (10:07)
StartHandling & Typing Events (8:00)
StartWorking with Generic Event Types (4:24)
StartUsing useRef() with TypeScript (8:50)
StartHandling User Input In A Type-Safe Way (5:08)
StartSummary (1:42)
Course Prerequisites
NO prior TypeScript knowledge is required - though basic knowledge will help (but the course includes an introduction module)
Basic React knowledge (components, JSX, state) IS required - more advanced concepts will be explained though
All pre-requisites are covered by courses in our "Academind Pro" Membership.
Don't take my word for it - here's what other students are saying.
Ira Scott Herman
The more I go through this course, the more incredible I think it is! The course is well organized and practical knowledge. The instructor uses best practices, and is consistently updating the course so I just keep getting more and more value from my initial purchase.
J. Scott Cromie
I feel like I learned a ton and feel like I can build custom apps to store on the flat thingy I keep in my pocket! Thanks for the course. It's great. Highly recommended.
Rachael Bouissey
As always, great teacher. I got a lot out of the React course and React Native is starting out just as helpful. Never would have made it through bootcamp without Maximillian!
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Your Instructor
As a self-taught professional I really know the hard parts and the difficult topics when learning new or improving on already-known languages. This background and experience enable me to focus on the most relevant key concepts and topics. My track record of many 5-star rated courses, more than 2,500,000 students worldwide as well as a successful YouTube channel with 900.000 subscribers is the best proof for that.
The most rewarding experience for me is to see how people find new, better jobs, build awesome web applications, work on amazing projects or simply enjoy their hobby with the help of my content.
That's why, together with Manuel Lorenz, I founded Academind to offer the best possible learning experience and to share the pleasure of learning with our students.
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