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Nuxt.js 2 - Vue.js on Steroids
Getting Started
Welcome & Introduction (1:53)
What is Nuxt.js? (2:58)
Understanding Server Side Rendering (4:01)
Nuxt vs "Normal" Server Side Rendering (1:32)
Join our Online Learning Community
Creating New Nuxt Projects & Nuxt 2
Creating our First Nuxt App (5:06)
Understanding the Folder Structure (5:37)
What can we Build with Nuxt? (2:33)
What's Inside This Course? (2:06)
How To Get The Most Out Of This Course (1:57)
Where to Find the Source Code
The Academind Pro Referral Program
Pages, Routing & Views
Module Introduction (0:55)
From Folders to Routes (6:32)
Creating a Route with a Dynamic Path (5:24)
Adding Links & Navigating Around (6:21)
Assignment - Pages & Routing (Problem) (1:34)
Assignment - Pages & Routing (Solution) (4:32)
Validating Parameters (5:57)
Creating Nested Routes (3:11)
Layouts, Pages & Components - Theory (1:30)
Adding a New Layout (3:52)
Adding a Default Error Page (1:23)
Working with "Normal" Components (7:51)
Styling Nuxt Apps (5:35)
Wrap Up (1:03)
Useful Resources & Links
Project - Pages, Routing & Views
Module Introduction (1:13)
Creating the Main "Sections" (Pages) (7:58)
Adding External Fonts (3:49)
Creating the Landing Page (5:50)
Splitting the Page into Components (8:28)
Adding Static Assets - The Background Image (2:33)
Adding the Header Component (5:54)
Vue Router vs. Nuxt Router (1:29)
Working on the Post Page (4:33)
Creating an Admin Section (12:36)
Preparing the Backend (10:20)
Improving the App (2:37)
Adding a Separate Layout to the Admin Area (2:50)
Useful Resources & Links
Handling Data
Module Introduction (1:00)
Adding Dynamic Data (5:52)
Preparing Data on the Server-Side (through Nuxt) (9:08)
Assignment - Server-Side Data (Problem) (0:40)
Assignment - Server-Side Data (Solution) (2:31)
asyncData on Client & Server (3:17)
A Closer Look at the Context Object (2:45)
Adding Async Data to a Single Post (5:31)
Handling Errors with a Callback (1:55)
Using Promises in asyncData (3:17)
Important: Restart the dev server in next lecture!
Adding the Vuex Store (7:59)
Vuex, fetch() and nuxtServerInit() (9:26)
Wrap Up (3:12)
Useful Resources & Links
Connecting our App to the Backend
Module Introduction (0:45)
Executing Code on the Server (3:36)
Adding Firebase as a Backend (2:06)
Using Firebase to Store Data (4:55)
Fetching Data from the Backend (4:17)
Initializing our Store (2:54)
Fetching all Posts (5:09)
Assignment - Fetching Data (Problem) (1:24)
Assignment - Fetching Data (Solution) (3:42)
Editing Posts (4:32)
Synchronizing Vuex and the Backend (10:37)
Wrap Up (1:59)
Useful Resources & Links
Nuxt - Config, Plugins & Modules
Module Introduction (0:57)
The Nuxt Config File (6:28)
The Loading Property (3:28)
Working with Environment Variables (5:37)
Manipulating Routing Settings (4:34)
Animating Page Transitions (3:17)
Adding Plugins (5:16)
Registering a Date Filter (2:10)
Understanding Modules (8:08)
Wrap Up (0:46)
Useful Resources & Links
Middleware & Authentication
Module Introduction (0:44)
What is Middleware? (6:46)
Adding User Signup (6:49)
Adding User Login (2:53)
Storing the Token (5:59)
Using the Token for Authentication (3:21)
Implementing a Middleware (4:10)
Invalidating the Token (2:52)
Persisting the Token Across Page Refreshes (9:53)
Implementing Cookies (9:33)
Fixing the Logout Timer (6:19)
Adding the Logout Functionality (5:03)
A Quick Bugfix (0:48)
Useful Resources & Links
The Server Side
Module Introduction (1:13)
Adding Server Side Middleware (6:18)
Testing the Middleware (2:11)
Starting a Project with a Server Side Template (3:09)
Useful Resources & Links
Building a Nuxt App
Module Introduction (0:31)
Universal vs SPA vs Static (3:01)
Building our App as a Universal App (2:02)
Building our App as a SPA (5:44)
Deploying a Universal App
Fetching Data in the SPA
Building our App as a Static Website (3:21)
Improving the Generate Process (4:43)
Limiting the Amount of http Requests (3:04)
Adjusting the Store (2:33)
Deploying SPAs and Static Webpages
Useful Resources & Links
Round Up
Course Roundup (0:55)
Understanding the Folder Structure
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