Using the Course Source Code

Using the Course Source Code

In case you're getting stuck or you're encountering error message, it's always a great idea to compare your code against mine and/ or replace parts of your code with mine (temporarily - to narrow down the issue).

For this purpose, you'll find multiple code snapshots attached to the lectures in this course (always reflecting the progress we made up to this lecture). And you'll always find the finished code for each module attached to the last lecture of that module.

The attached code can be run standalone like this:

Extract the ZIP file

In the extracted folder: npm install

tns run android --bundle / tns run ios --bundle

(the tns and npm commands will become clearer after section 2!)

But running the code is one thing - it'll be more helpful if you use it to compare it to yours or replace parts of your code (just as mentioned above).

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